June 5, 2024
Dresden, Germany

TRIATHLON M6 meeting in Dresden

On 4th and 5th of June, TRIATHLON team got together for the M6 consortium meeting. Six months after the Kick-Off Meeting in Delft, the consortium met in Dresden (Germany), hosted by the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) of the Technical University of Dresden.

On the agenda over the two days, the consortium summarized the progress achieved so far and gave an overview of the work performed in the running Work Packages. In the end, partners also set the course for the future activities and took important decisions.

At ILK, the consortium was introduced to the laboratories where research in lightweight materials and structures takes place. In fact, the ILK laboratory focuses on developing innovative composite materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to create lightweight, high-strength components for several applications.

In addition, the consortium had the opportunity to visit the research and experimental setups dedicated to hydrogen technology of the Hydrogen Laboratory at KKT (TU Dresden). The lab’s advanced facilities support a wide range of studies, from hydrogen storage to combustion and fuel cell applications. The KKT team showcased their latest findings on hydrogen conditioning and distribution systems, providing valuable insights into the challenges and innovations in hydrogen technology. This visit highlighted the importance of hydrogen as a key component in achieving sustainable aviation solutions.

Exciting six months are ahead of us. Stay tuned for details!