TRIATHLON is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action (RIA) programme, coordinated by Stichting Materials innovation institute (M2i) and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
The project brings together universities, industrial designers, technologies suppliers into the same consortium to unite skills towards the development of disruptive approaches to design more robust, low-maintenance, low-emission, highly responsive hydrogen-electric powertrains for megawatt class aircraft.
TRIATHLON will use the synergy between powertrain components to overcome the challenges associated with scaling up hydrogen powertrain technology to MW class.
TRIAThLON will consider a general, yet representative, architecture similar to the ZEROe turboprop demonstrator but the technologies developed in this project will be applicable to other aircraft configurations since the methodology proposed can determine the best coupling between the powertrain components for other design cases.
TRIATHLON Powertrain